happy and joyful

all good things and I are very happy and joyful. I hope, a sense of joy and happy for this forever. I wish only

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follow a online business

l'm trying to follow the online business. I hope that it can provide income to me. Hopefully it!

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its so bored

i want to cry, but i dont know what's problem. i regret do it to my parents. but, all of my fault make me so bored and sadness. i feel culpable this on. i so regret............

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back to home

today, i can go to my village. to my home, to meet with my parents and family. its so make me happy and enjoy. and, i will back OL in monday.
i hope, jeses blessed me in my road and my parents adan family's. thx

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Thank So Much God

I'm so happy today. No problem I came on. Everything can be overcome because the problem is not that heavy on this day. All good things it. I am very grateful to God because of love. Thank god, thank you Jesus. I hope God is always with me now and forever. God Bless you all.

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Thuesday 7nd

Today, I hope not like the days before. I hope there are no serious problems that this day and the next. I hope; all OK. because I want to treat tired yesterday.
I want recreation this day. I want to go shopping something and relax there. keep enjoy

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intervention of soul

I'm happy, sad, tired, weak, confused, weary, on this day. because all is not as easy as I imagine.
Previously, I think, that typing is not so, I like this but, very tired. Not only make of my hands weary type, but, my waist is also weary because sitting.
I type 20 sheets, it is very tiring.

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Why,,,,,,,, ?

I do not know, what happens in myself. This time as I can not concentrate or learn to focus in the one topic. It seems difficult to make my brain to save it. I could only see without can learn. Why can this happen? I can not answer it. Because, I'm very confused. It seems, my brain can not be employed well. It seems, in my Brain can not think of anything matters.

I hope tomorrow or the day after tomorrow this will not happen again.

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first say hello..

hello there...

this is my english version blog. why i create this blog ? Because i want to smart write and conversation in english. because, i know, if we expert this english, we will not meet any throuble in our life. we will free to expression our knowledge.

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